5 must-know silent signs of hemophilia

5 must-know silent signs of hemophilia

Hemophilia is a health disorder where the patient is at risk of excessive bleeding due to the absence of essential blood clotting proteins. Without factor VIII proteins, the blood cells cannot bond and stop the bleeding after an injury or surgery. The condition is caused by a genetic mutation trait inherited from either parent with the defective gene. Here are a few signs of developing hemophilia that often go unnoticed.

Bleeding in the joints
A common silent sign of hemophilia is bleeding into the joints. The bleeding usually happens around the ankles, elbows, and knees, making it hard to notice. It becomes apparent only when blood pooling causes swelling, pain, and tightness around the joints. Patients may also report bruising and discoloration on the skin’s surface, commonly referred to as a hematoma.

Bleeding in the gums
Multiple health disorders can trigger bleeding in the mouth or around the gums. As a result, this symptom can be confused with another underlying condition. However, when the bleeding does not stop, especially after losing a tooth, it could signify progressing hemophilia.

Bleeding after medical procedures
Some experience sudden and unexpected bleeding after vaccination. Vaccines can trigger several side effects, and bleeding is one of them, usually triggered by an underlying hemophilia condition. Men who undergo circumcision might also experience excessive bleeding post the procedure.

Blood in the stools or urine
Many underlying health conditions can force a person to pass blood through urine or stool; however, uncontrolled bleeding while using the restroom may be a sign of developing hemophilia.

Unexplained nosebleeds
Nosebleeds can be triggered by an infection, an allergic reaction, or an injury that causes blood vessels to burst in the nasal cavity. However, if a person experiences frequent nosebleeds without any underlying problem, it could be a silent sign of developing hemophilia.

Several treatments help manage this bleeding disorder. For instance, HEMLIBRA is an FDA-approved treatment for hemophilia A. The body requires factor VIIIa proteins to help blood coagulate and clot to prevent excessive bleeding episodes. A person with hemophilia struggles with this clotting process. HEMLIBRA can help reverse the problem. It acts as a bridge to promote better blood coagulation without the need for replacing factor VIII proteins.

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