Common smells and odors that trigger migraines

Common smells and odors that trigger migraines

A migraine is quite different from regular headaches. With migraines, the pain and symptoms are recurring, causing throbbing and pulsating headaches that can last for hours. Also, this pain is usually observed only on one side of the head. There are many known causes of such headaches, and among these are common smells surrounding people. From food odors to chemical smells and pollutants in the environment, here are some of the common migraine triggers.

Any kind of smoke, be it firsthand inhaled (active smoking) or secondhand smoke (Vehicle exhaust or industrial pollution), can be one of the main smells that trigger migraines. Since nicotine is the main ingredient, its incineration releases harmful toxins that constrict blood vessels in the brain and cause pain. Vaping has the same effect.

Chemical smells
Pesticides are commonly used in the environment to keep different types of infestations at bay. However, the chemical composition of these pesticides can also aggravate one’s senses and trigger migraine attacks with no prior warning. The same effect is mimicked with exposure to bleach, chemical solvents, and strong detergents.

Smells from cosmetic products
While many people enjoy the fresh smell of nail polish paint, polish removers, or perfumes, these artificial fragrances have been known to trigger migraine attacks when exposed, even just for a brief moment. The medical term for migraines triggered by scents and perfumes is osmophobia.

Gasoline is also reported as a common migraine starter. Many people notice a mild headache while refilling their vehicles at the gas station. This is the result of inhaling fumes that are released into the air from the pump.

Food odors
Certain types of foods raw or in their cooked form may also be the cause of mild headaches. However, the trigger’s sensitivity will vary depending on the person and the amount of exposure. Research studies and clinical trials indicate people may experience short bouts of headache only when exposed for a short duration or a gradual throbbing pain during prolonged exposure.

The following is recommended to manage a migraine attack caused by any triggers.

Nurtec Rimegepant for migraine
Nurtec ODT is a fast-acting treatment suggested for migraine relief. The pill can be taken without water as per the doctor’s prescription and recommended dosage. Trials reveal that Nurtec ODT works within 60 minutes to counter pain and most symptoms. Continued use of the pill brings down the frequency of migraine attacks.

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