Foods that help manage Parkinson’s symptoms

Foods that help manage Parkinson’s symptoms

Parkinson’s is a disease of the central nervous system that mainly affects a person’s movement. Patients may experience tremors, stiffness, loss of balance, and gradual slowing down of motor skills to a point where their daily routine is disrupted. It is a progressive disorder with no cure. However, patients can explore certain prescriptions, cognitive therapies, lifestyle changes, and even the following foods to help manage the symptoms and improve their quality of life. 


Assorted berries like blueberries, blackberries, cranberries, elderberries, and goji berries are loaded with beneficial antioxidants. These fruits help reduce the oxidative stress caused to healthy cells in the brain. While it may not reverse the damage, a high antioxidant intake can help improve the quality of life and symptoms.

Fiber-rich foods  

Constipation, one of the major symptoms linked to Parkinson’s, is caused due to the lack of fiber. Fiber-rich brown rice, whole-grain bread, cereals, pasta, broccoli, peas, beans, and apples promote better digestion and ease the symptoms. In many fruits and vegetables, fiber is mostly found in peels. As a result, it is better to prepare the dish with the peel to get maximum nutrition.

Foods rich in omega-3s

Parkinson’s is a progressive disorder that exhibits neurological symptoms like dementia or confusion. Recent studies have shown that eating foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids help improve cognitive function and manage these symptoms. Fatty fish like tuna, herring, mackerel, salmon, halibut, and oysters can be included in meals in moderation.

Assorted nuts

Nuts are rich in both healthy fats and antioxidants. A handful of assorted walnuts, pecans, pistachios, and Brazil nuts will supplement daily nutrition requirements to help ease the symptoms. With Parkinson’s, it is imperative to focus on symptom relief as the disease cannot be cured.

It is imperative to know that food alone cannot help the condition. Doctors may prescribe the following for Parkinson’s. 

Sinemet® is a combination of Carbidopa and Levodopa. It works by boosting the release of dopamine while simultaneously inhibiting the production of Dopa decarboxylase proteins that hinder dopamine production. Several Carbidopa/Levodopa clinical trials have been conducted to study the efficacy of this combination to manage tremors and slow movement. Carbidopa/Levodopa has some side effects, including nausea, involuntary movements, hallucinations, headache, confusion, dizziness, shortness of breath, and depression.

Ongentys rx Parkinson’s disease
Opiacopone for Parkinson’s Disease is approved by the FDA to help treat the symptoms related to “Off” episodes among patients. Marketed under the brand name Ongentys®, the oral tablet helps inhibit certain enzymes that are responsible for the degradation of neurotransmitters in the brain. The prescription is often combined with carbidopa and levodopa to manage stiffness, poor muscle control, muscle spasms, and tremors among patients with severe motor control symptoms.

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