These 5 foods can worsen arthritis symptoms

These 5 foods can worsen arthritis symptoms

Nutrition plays a major role in managing symptoms of joint diseases like arthritis. While it is important to focus on clinical treatment options, some foods can aid in providing relief from the symptoms. However, there are certain foods that can aggravate the autoimmune condition. This article talks about some foods that should be avoided, as they can worsen arthritis symptoms and cause complications. Read on to find out what you should avoid.

Frozen meals 

Most rheumatologists prescribe corticosteroids to treat arthritis symptoms. However, these corticosteroids cause the body to hold on to more salt (sodium). So, eating frozen foods will only increase the amount of sodium in the body, thereby resulting in inflammation of joints.

Trans fat foods

Foods such as cakes, cookies, pies, pastries, margarine, non-dairy coffee creamer, and fried foods contain trans fats that increase LDL (low-density lipoprotein) or “bad” cholesterol. This bad cholesterol increases the risk of heart disease and obesity. The excess weight due to obesity puts more pressure on the joints causing premature wear and tear, increasing the risk of suffering from arthritis.

Aerated drinks

Aerated or carbonated drinks contain high amounts of sugar. These drinks increase the risk of suffering from obesity and diabetes and reduce the body’s ability to absorb calcium. Low calcium levels increase the risk of suffering osteoarthritis.

Meat cooked at high temperatures

Searing, roasting, or grilling meats at high temperatures increases the number of AGEs (advanced glycation end product) in the blood. These AGEs can increase the inflammation in the body, which can aggravate arthritis symptoms. AGEs are abundant in meats such as beef, pork, and fried fish. So, it is recommended to switch to leaner meats such as chicken and steamed fish.

Refined carbohydrates

Refined carbohydrates such as white flour, rice, pasta, pizza, and breakfast cereals have little to no nutrient value and can worsen the symptoms of arthritis. Consuming refined carbohydrates with refined sugar in the form of pastries and cakes can do more harm than good, as they can increase inflammation and pain.

Like most autoimmune conditions, arthritis symptoms can also be managed through proper nutrition and alternate treatment options. Otezla (Apremilast) can be used for psoriatic arthritis. These come in the form of pills and can help manage symptoms such as joint swelling, tenderness, and pain. One of the advantages of using Otezla is it does not require initial or routine blood tests. One can buy it at discounted price using manufacturer coupons.

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