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9 early tell-tale signs of Parkinson’s disease

9 early tell-tale signs of Parkinson’s disease

Parkinson’s disease is a disorder affecting the brain and nervous system, characterized by inadvertent movements, stiffness, and lack of coordination. The disease typically affects senior citizens, with 5-10% of patients experiencing the symptoms before age 50. Several studies have linked the onset of the disease to specific genetic mutations. Parkinson’s occurs when nerve cells in the basal ganglia, which produce dopamine and facilitate movement, begin getting destroyed. Here are some early signs of Parkinson’s disease: Loss of balance The basal ganglia is typically responsible for motor control, ensuring that balance is reflexive. However, individuals with Parkinson’s disease experience problems with the basal ganglia. Consequently, the frontal cortex of the brain, which is responsible for thinking, takes over to regulate balance. However, this process does not occur automatically, so individuals with this disease have to exert efforts to achieve balance. Loss of balance is among the early symptoms of the condition. Muscle stiffness Parkinson’s disease is associated with reduced dopamine levels, which is believed to cause muscle movement issues and give rise to rigidity and stiffness. This stiffness may occur in the arms, legs, hips, and shoulders and can significantly affect daily activities like walking. Tremors Individuals with Parkinson’s disease may experience slow, continuous tremors in their muscles, typically while they are stationary.
5 mistakes that increase the risk of heart failure

5 mistakes that increase the risk of heart failure

Unbeknownst to many, having a heart attack can increase the risk of recurrent heart attacks among men and women. Several contributing factors, ranging from age to unhealthy lifestyle choices or certain health conditions, increase this risk. Therefore, older adults and people who have endured a heart attack must pay attention to the warning signs and symptoms of recurrent heart failure. However, more importantly, one must avoid making certain mistakes to prevent this condition. Working out excessively If forced to pump blood more excessively during any physical activity, the heart can fail at some point due to wear and tear. This risk is high among patients already diagnosed with cardiovascular problems and high blood pressure. Experts recommend at least 30 mins of physical exercise daily to keep the heart muscles strong. Not making lifestyle changes Healthy changes in daily nutrition and lifestyle will only help improve overall cardiovascular function. However, resisting change or not following specific nutrition and activity guidelines recommended by a healthcare expert increases the risk of heart failure, among other conditions. When coupled with unhealthy habits and poor lifestyle choices, this can result in chronic complications. Skipping prescriptions After an episode of heart attack or failure, one must follow prescription treatments suggested by a health expert without fail to keep the organ’s health in check.

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